Station Park Green is a mixed-used transit oriented development within close proximity to the CalTrain Station in San Mateo.
The project is made up of four residential blocks. Three of which consist of five-stories of wood frame wrapped around 4-5 stories of parking structure. The fourth residential block is a combination of retail and commercial space at the ground level. The concrete podium, which wraps around a six-story parking garage, supports two four-story wood-frame structures. The sixth-level of the parking structure has a plaza, a pool deck, and extensive amenities. The total combined garage area is over 400,000 SF with 804 parking stalls. The combined podium and pool amenity foot print is about 200,000 SF.
The structural system of the buildings is composed of concrete post-tensioned slabs with concrete shear walls supported on footings. Drilled Displacement Columns have been placed for soil improvement.